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Wednesday, February 28, 2007 ♥

today...there is suplementary lesson and it was a bit BORING.a few days ago after mother tounge lesson there is suplementary lessons but we get to relaxfirst.then iskandar and zhairi go and attack aliyah.they are very crazy.they all go throw pencil case at her and also hit me also.i soo angry i go throw the pencil case back at zhairi and it hit him in the chest.*PADAN MUKA!![means serve them rite].haha..then aliyah threaten to throw the pencil case downthe building.iskandar go creep behind her and snatch her P.E t-shirt which she just bought that day away from her but then i go snatch it back from him.then aliyah throw the pencil box over their head and grab me and then we run.stupid edwin go and BOO me outside of humility class.i go jump and then suddenly out of nowhere john appear and both of them laugh like wat.i nearly wanted to hit his head.from the parent meeting session they have been trying to scare me.then when bell ring suddenly aliyah and zhairi missing.weird man.iskandar and me went to look for them in 6 joy but they're not there.oh well......

i gtg.bye!!

♥remembered yesterday @ 11:51 PM

Friday, February 23, 2007 ♥

hi...sorry i so long never update.well...today i never bring my science textbook and my spelling book.i thought i DIE!!!yesterday,these boys in my mother tounge class,had to dance in front of the class.so funny!!
then during p.e,there were only 3 cobra house so we split.i went to shark house with wan rong.the shark house beat the lion house.they could have won but xinyi and farhana keep missing the ball.oh well.....i gotta go.


♥remembered yesterday @ 3:33 AM

Friday, February 16, 2007 ♥

yup....new layout.i actually had another layout but the chatbox was like GONE.Anyways....i added a song.its called....wait.i forgot the title...oh well but the artist is Ashley Tisdale.i love her songs but i use to love vanessa hudgens more.oh and if you have a myspace account just add me.its http://www.myspace.com/faith432.

ok gtg,

♥remembered yesterday @ 12:28 AM

Thursday, February 15, 2007 ♥

hi....today was chinese day celebration.the perfomance was soooo boring.i rather eat healthy food that sit in that room.the only thing interesting was the wushu,chinese dance and the lion dance.the quiz was very very very very boring.lesteer,edwin and dunno who kept shoutingx100.i felt like hitting them in the head.but i didn't...well in class i got two packets of chocolate and a card.i kept it in my wallet.it was really meaningful...i think.well.....i dont know why but j**** doesn't like zoey.so does a*****.oh well.....

♥remembered yesterday @ 8:54 PM

vanessa hudgens[i got this pic from her myspace account]

♥remembered yesterday @ 2:19 AM

Ashley Tisdale[my friend made this pic for me]

♥remembered yesterday @ 2:14 AM

Hi!!this is my second blog.My first blog...well.....i forgot the username and password.hehe.well...today was sports day and it was sooo bad.cobra house kept losing.only 3rd or 4th or even last place man!!aiyo!-.-" At least for the 100m race,cobra house was first but still!!!!it didn't win for the champion house.PLUS....when we had to go to the field...it was sooooooo hot!!I nearly fainted.by the way...congratz to the shark house and blah blah blah....[[i really mean it]]
ok got to go......BYE!!

♥remembered yesterday @ 1:46 AM


sabirah . crazy girl ; you don't know mehh ? info ; she goes to damai sec . is in victors . is 12 going on 13 :P anddd , her b'dae is on 25 sep


MP3 ! ; still haven get youknow): new handphone ; brand new ! HMMMM , world peace ?


February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008

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atiqa diana
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jia li
la donutz