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Tuesday, September 18, 2007 ♥


You know...i have this friend.She is no longer who she used to be.Either she has changed..or i have seen her as another person.She seems like she just...i don't know what to say.It actually breaks my heart seeing her like how she is now.And i'm not talking about Aliyah.I can STAND aliyah.She's ok to deal with.I don't mind her with her other friends.Plus why should i mind?We've ben best friends since Primary 1.If something was wrong with her..or me,our friendship would have soured in like 1 or 2 years.But it didn't.We're still best friends.Ok...now back to my other friend.Seriously i wonder,is it me or is it her?Sometimes she acts like i'm not there.Acts like she can abandon me and hope i understand and expect me to say 'its okay...i understand.Oh and anyway,If you want to do it again,its okay...i don't mind'.Yeah righhtt....Once while were walking,her friend came up to us and started chatting.Then i asked my friend to follow me take my bag from the canteen.Half-way there,i noticed it was very quiet.I turned around and realised she was not there.I knew it.She was too busy with her friend to actually realise i was there.I know she heard me because she said ok,she would follow me.Now i can't even stand being in the same room together with her.Now..i wish she just wouldn't be around.How upsetting is that?She seems to be over-reacting EVERYTIME.Every now and then,i would roll my yes at her when she's not looking.I don't know...maybe its just that we are not meant to be friends?Oh well....

♥remembered yesterday @ 3:10 AM

Tuesday, September 4, 2007 ♥

Did you guys go to the motivational talk today?Damn nice ahh!;) The trainer(danny chong) was funny.Haiiz,at least he's positive about himself!; ))He said he had the smile of brad pitt.wahh!didn't know there was a brad pitt version in singapore.L O L S.There were also many games.Very fun.Even though my team did not win,at least i had fun right?The 1st activity was the common one where we had to pass the hula hoop around while holding hands.The 2nd activity was a little hard and was similar to the game we played in P5 camp.Except for this round we had to use newspapers which makes it all very trickky!Thankfully everyone made it but not without tearing up the newspapers which we are not supposed to have done.Haha:)Oh well... could tell.AND i'm having the worst sore throat in my L I F E!!Why must it happen to me??I guess its my fate.I gtg .post more later!Bye bye!

♥remembered yesterday @ 5:26 AM

Sunday, September 2, 2007 ♥

HELLO:)guess what?i watched hairspray yesterday!it was cute.Love the songs too.Zac efron was soo good looking in there!Wait,he's good looking everywhere.Whoo!Lol;)afer that i watched dead silence.Damn scary siiaa!If you plan on watching it,get ready to see dead people with tounges cut out!ewww.... i still remember the poem they said in the movie
Beware the stare of mary shaw
she had no children only dolls
when you see her in your dreams,
make sure you never ever scream
Lol..it was creepy at that time.Well,obviously since the theaters is dark!Ok i kinda like gtg now.tata!~~:)

♥remembered yesterday @ 7:26 AM


sabirah . crazy girl ; you don't know mehh ? info ; she goes to damai sec . is in victors . is 12 going on 13 :P anddd , her b'dae is on 25 sep


MP3 ! ; still haven get youknow): new handphone ; brand new ! HMMMM , world peace ?


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